
Morning Enrollment

Morning Enrollment for Fall 2024 is Now Available!


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Schedule an intro meeting to learn more about Belay On Autism Services and how we may be able to help your family.

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Leave your information and a member of our team will contact you to answer any questions and discuss how we can help.

*This is not a guarantee for treatment or placement into ongoing care, please do not change current care or plans until we move further along in the process

Belay On Autism Services is excited to announce that we are now accepting morning patients for the Fall 2024 enrollment period. With our expert team and personalized care plans, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality support and therapy for North Texas children diagnosed with autism.

Morning In-Home ABA Services in North Texas

Our home daytime ABA therapy services are designed to fit your schedule. We offer flexible service hours across North Texas between 8am and 2pm, ensuring that your child receives the care they need in the comfort and familiarity of their own home.

In-Home ABA Therapy Service Area

Every moment, every day, is [an] opportunity to start over. Climbing is a lot about dealing with what is and just figuring it out. Whatever has happened, has happened,” he says. “[It’s] learning how to improvise. Coming up with new ideas and new approaches to solve problems. Learning that you generally have to let go to move.

– Bob Jamieson

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