
Anna Arn



 Anna has spent most of her life in Houston, but she has also enjoyed spending time in Dallas. Her extended family resides in Long Island, New York, and she frequently visits them. Anna loves trying to convince her fisherman uncles to take a trip to the big city.

Anna and her husband surprised their family and friends by adopting two kittens, despite both of them being avid dog lovers. They quickly discovered that loving both cats and dogs was easy to do. In their free time, Anna and her husband enjoy searching for new coffee shops or parks to visit. They also love planning their next trip.

Anna was introduced to ABA in high school and has been working in the field ever since. Before earning her Master’s degree in ABA, she had a background in Special Education. This experience allowed her to gain firsthand knowledge of the goals and challenges in that setting before transitioning into clinical and home therapy. Special education has always been close to Anna’s heart as her mother was a special education teacher. Working in ABA, which is individualized and growth-minded, has been the most meaningful and joyful time of Anna’s life.

Get to Know Anna

What's your personal motto?

Stay focused, flexible, and positive!

What superpower would you like to have?

Flying or mind reading.


What would we never guess about you?

I have hiked an active volcano!

Favorite activities or hobbies?

I love traveling, playing board/card games, and getting to do any water activity!

What's your favorite journey taken?

The journey into becoming a cat person.

Every moment, every day, is [an] opportunity to start over. Climbing is a lot about dealing with what is and just figuring it out. Whatever has happened, has happened,” he says. “[It’s] learning how to improvise. Coming up with new ideas and new approaches to solve problems. Learning that you generally have to let go to move.

– Bob Jamieson

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